This morning I was listening to the news while trying to reverse my life’s natural time clock and was struck by a pundits comment- “Michael Bloomberg is trying to buy the Presidency through spending in advertising.” (Please bear with me this blog is about marketing and not politics.) I thought about the comment, and two questions came to my mind- first, what would I do if I had his money, and secondly, can he buy the Presidency?
Since those close to me likely don’t care about what I would do with his money, I won’t bore you either. I did think more deeply about his ability to buy the Presidency and what marketing lessons we might understand.
Candidate Bloomberg recognizes his Brand (name recognition) is not as strong as the other candidates’ brand is to the electorate. And his branding is working. My 12-year-old twins know who Michael Bloomberg is and its through digital advertising.
This is the same desire you have as an interventional psychiatry practice. Some know you, but more need to know you. Same as candidate Bloomberg. Do all mental health providers know about you to refer patients to? Do they know about your center’s ability to bring the TRD patient to a one in two chance for remission? The answer is always no, and it requires branding and branding. (Sorry – build it and they will come is a great saying – but not here.)
Lastly, Michael Bloomberg will buy some votes just through brand recognition- but he (and all candidates ) has another challenge. Its called trust. Once people know him, will they trust him and then choose him? Who knows, that’s the fun, that’s the frustration, the excitement, and the disappointment of horse racing politics.
Will your colleagues choose you to take care of their TRD patients? They will if they remember you and they trust you. To accomplish this, you need to be present. Not advertising by advertising, but through regular correspondence by email and direct mail to those who refer to you and those who should.